This is an income received for a specific period or for the
life of the annuitant. A private individual with a lump sum
can acquire a purchased
life annuity where part of the income is classified as the
repayment of capital. Also a Trustee can acquire pension annuities for the benefit of an annuitant, to provide
a pension income at retirement age that will be taxed as earned
For maturing pension rights there will be an opportunity for
the scheme member to select an open
market option. This means that the annuity purchased could
be from a provider other than the existing pension fund provider
in order to secure the best pension
annuity or With
Profits annuity at retirement. If in any doubt, the annuitant
must seek an annuity and pension bureau offering specialist
advice from an IFA (independent financial adviser) that has the qualification K10
(retirement options).
The annuitant could take a tax
free lump sum. With the balance of a pension fund the
annuity is dependent at least in part on the prevailing
interest rates at the time and also on the annuitant's age
and mortality. By purchasing an annuity the individual will
participate in the mortality
profit that is partly distributed by providers to annuitants.
For a family with an elderly relative
that now requires 24 hour care after suffering an illness,
the long
term care costs for a nursing home could be partially
funded, after any contributions by Local Authority
or NHS funding, by an immediate
needs annuity.
The annuitant can use their open
market option to find the best annuity quote on the market.
It is unlikely that the provider of the pension fund will
also be competitive in the specialist annuity market, even
though the existing provider is obligated to offer annuities.
Annuity quotes can differ significantly and pension
annuities from the best provider could be up to 30%
higher than that offered by the existing provider. A standard
quote is designed for people in good health, however, If the
annuitant or their partner is currently ill or has suffered
illness in the past or are a smoker or are overweight, they
could qualify for an enhanced
annuity or even an impaired
life annuity.
Alternatively, if the individual has other sources of pension
income and is prepared to accept a higher risk than standard
annuities, they could consider a With
Profits annuity. Over time a With Profits annuity has
the potential to generate more income as the annuitant can
benefit from bonuses added due to higher returns on assets.
Annuity quotes can also be offered if an individual has a
lump sum and requires a guaranteed income for the rest of
their life. In this case they can buy a purchase
life annuity where part of the income represents a return
of capital and only the income element of the annuity is taxable.
For a family with an elderly relative
that now requires 24 hour care after suffering an illness,
the long
term care costs for a nursing home could be partially
funded, after any contributions by Local Authority
or NHS funding, by an immediate
needs annuity.
The quotes offered by life companies for annuity rates vary
considerably and change frequently. This is because some providers
specialise in offering annuity products. They could provide
the whole range or specific types of annuities such as a compulsory
purchase annuity (or pension annuities), purchased
life annuity and impaired or enhanced
annuity for both pension and life products. Other specialist
providers would offer rates where an elderly relative now
requires 24 hour care after suffering an illness. the long
term care costs for a nursing home could be partially
funded, after any contributions by Local Authority
or NHS funding, by an immediate
needs annuity.
The provider can use the annuity market to balance their overall
liabilities. Many providers only offer very competitive annuity
rates when they need to improve cashflow, as annuities can
attract tens of millions of pounds per month to a single insurance
company. Providers with significant financial
strength can also offer a With
Profits annuity and the annuitant could select an Anticipated
Bonus Rate (ABR) that produces higher income than the standard
When making a pension annuity purchase
the individual has the option to search for the highest annuity rates using an open market option, however, learn more about annuities, compare annuity rates and before making a decision at retirement, secure a personalised annuity quote offering guaranteed rates.
All individuals retiring with appropriate pension rights can
commute part of the pension fund to a tax free lump sum before
buying an annuity. The compulsory
purchase annuity (or UK pension
annuity) acquired by a pension fund is taxable as earned
income although annuities are not subject to national
insurance contributions.
Any tax
free lump sum not commuted will provide an extra income
but will be taxable at the annuitants marginal rate of tax,
22% for a basic rate taxpayer or 40% for a higher rate taxpayer.
It is also possible to take the tax free lump sum and acquire
a purchased
life annuity where part of the annuity is treated as a
return of capital and therefore tax free and the balance is
taxed at the 20% savings income rate. This would greatly reduce
the tax paid by the annuitant and therefore increase the pension
income for the life of the annuitant. Where an immediate
needs annuity is purchased for an elderly relative that
enters a nursing home, the long
term care costs are paid by the provider direct to the
nursing home totally free from any taxation.
interest rate
For the purpose of valuing future pension payments, a rate
of interest based on the annuity interest rate (AIR) is used.
The AIR reflects the yield to redemption on high coupon medium
and long term gilt edge securities and is reviewed quarterly
by the Personal Investment Authority (PIA).
The AIR will have an impact on the critical
yield such that a higher annuity interest rate would reduce
the critical
yield, discounting future pension payments at a higher
rate and result in a lower capitalised fund value needed to
provide a given pension
income at the retirement age for the scheme member.
bonus rate
An individual at retirement could select a conventional guaranteed
annuity or, if they are prepared to accept a slightly higher
risk, a With
Profits annuity.
The income from a with profits annuity is dependent on the
underlying allocation of the With
Profit assets so the income can go down as well as up.
At the outset the annuitant can select the Anticipated Bonus
Rate (ABR) of between 0% and 5%. This represents an expectation
of the bonuses that will be allocated by the life company
over the following year.
The higher the ABR, the higher the initial income paid. If
the bonuses actually declared are less than the ABR, then
the annuity income in the future will fall. It follows that
if the bonuses are higher than the ABR, then the future income
will increase. Whether this would happen
would in part depend on the financial
strength of the provider and their ability to keep bonuses
above the ABR, even in poor market conditions.
To increase security for the annuitant, some providers have
introduced a guaranteed minimum income for a With Profits
annuity below which the income from the annuity cannot fall,
and this assumes the Anticipated Bonus Rate is set at 0%.
personal pension
This is a personal pension plan that an individual can use
for contracting out of the state earnings related pension
scheme (SERPS)
and is known as an appropriate personal pension (APP). This
plan will build-up benefits where the pension income at retirement
will be dependent on the contributions made and investment return.
Under section 590 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act
1988 (ICTA
88) an approved scheme must receive approval from the
Pension Schemes Office (PSO). The strict conditions of approved
schemes as set out by ICTA 88 means most employer pension
schemes will seek more flexible benefits through an exempt
approved scheme granted by the PSO under the occupational
pensions scheme practice notes (IR (1997)).
An approved scheme will be granted approval
if: it is established under irrevocable trust; the scheme,
company and administrator must be resident in the UK; the
employer pays at least 10% of the total contributions; the
contributions and benefits are within Inland Revenue maximums;
no pension income will allow total commutation to a tax
free lump sum; the maximum retirement benefits payable
to the scheme member or as a widows pension can exceed the
1/60th accrual
rate; and the eligible employees must be informed in writing
of the terms and conditions of the scheme.
Forces Pension Scheme
Unlike private sector companies, the Armed Forces Pension
Scheme is designed to meet the special requirements of service
life, where youth and fitness are essential elements of the
occupation. This means that the scheme will provide immediate
pension benefits to may of the members that leave early and
full retirement
benefits can be earned by the age of 55.
The final value of the retirement benefits
will depend on the members years of service and rank, which
will determine the members pensionable
earnings. Due to the special nature of the armed forces,
the pension scheme rules are set out in prerogative
instruments with authority from the Queen rather than
approval by parliament.
An employee can receive earnings, be a pension scheme member
and accrue retirement benefits from two or more associated
employers. The practice notes issued by the Pension
Schemes Office (PSO) define associated employers as a
company that is directly or indirectly controlled by the other
or both companies are subsidiaries controlled by another company.
For the employee the transfer between associated
employers is seen as continuous
service in relation to their members pension rights, whether
this involves a switch of companies while remaining in an employers
pension scheme or leaving pensionable service of one scheme
for another within the same employer. The Inland Revenue will
establish the employees maximum benefits by combining total
benefits from both employers.
Whereas post-89 members are subject
to the earnings cap on their relevant
earnings, pre-87 and pre-89 members with continued tights
will be able to maintain their retirement benefits under those
tax regimes.
Under section 31 of the Financial Services and Markets Act
2000 (FSMA) an authorised
person can be a person who has a Part IV permission to carry
on one or more regulated activities as: an EEA firm qualifying
for authorisation under Schedule 3 of the FSMA (EEA Passport
Rights); a Treaty firm qualifying for authorisation under
Schedule 4 of the FSMA (Treaty Rights); and a person who is
otherwise authorised by a provision of, or made under, the
Average earnings index
Produced by the Office
for National Statistics (ONS) the surveys used to determine
the average earnings index (AEI) were started in 1963 covering
Great Britain and included mainly production and agriculture
industries. In 1976 the AEI was extended to include service
occupations and in 1989 it added business services, higher
education and research.
Today the AEI survey collects data monthly
and is based on a sample of 8,500 employers across 26 industry
groupings in the manufacturing, services and production industries.
The sample consists of employed individuals of companies in
four employee size strata of; 20-99; 100-499; 500-999; and
1,000 or more.
The sample is not representative of the
economy as a whole as it excludes companies with less than
20 employees and earnings of self employed individuals. Every
year 20.0% of the employers in the smallest three strata are
replaced with new companies. The average earnings index surveys
includes data collected on employee numbers and their total
pay as you earn (PAYE)
income including pay award arrears, bonuses, commission and
overtime payments. |