Annuity Rates, Annuities, Pensions, Divorce Annuity Rates Charts
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Annuity Rates

Annuity Rates
   Best Annuity Rates
  pension values can be higher from valuation options   Other Annuity Rates:
This page shows UK other annuity rates, for males and females. Try the links below for the highest standard (conventional) or smoker annuities.

These annuities are only a guide as annuity rates change frequently. Please request a free annuity quote for an accurate income for you based on your own personal retirement circumstances.
           Standard single rates            Smoker single rates
           Standard joint rates            Smoker joint rates
        Other annuity rates            Annuities explained

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   Other annuity / pension rates

In addition to standard (conventional) and smoker annuity rates, the following types of annuities could be considered.

More Options
Type Description
diabetes annuity rates
  You would qualify if you suffer from diabetes either diet, tablet or in particular insulin based.
impaired annuity rates
  Applies if you have suffered illness in the past such as heart attacks, strokes, cancer or other serious illnesses.
with profit annuity rates
  May apply if you are prepared to take a higher risk because you have more than one pension.
income drawdown rates
  Suitable if you have £100,000 or more in a pension, alternative sources of income and can accept a higher risk.
purchased life rates
If you have a lump sum in a bank account and want a guaranteed income for life.
immediate needs rates
  If you or an elderly relative is entering a residential or nursing care home, this can cap the total costs of long term care.
All rates shown are based on a limited number of annuity features and should be used as a guide only. It is important therefore that you shop around for an annuity specific to your circumstances. Use the following for a free annuity quote.
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Annuity notes:
The majority of people purchasing a pension annuity select the standard (conventional) rates or smoker rates for the highest income in retirement. If you suffer from diabetes or your health is impaired, these rates could be further enhanced by the underwriters.

For a number of annuitants that have other pension income, they may pre prepared to take greater risk for possibly higher return in the future and consider a with profits annuity or income drawdown plan. For those with a lump sum that want a guaranteed annuity, a purchased life annuity may be competitive when compared to a bank account. There are even annuities that could cap the cost long term care for an elderly relative.

At retirement you can use your pension to buy an annuity with
the option to use an open market option to search for the highest pension annuity. Once you have purchased an annuity it cannot be changed, so learn more about annuities, compare annuity rates and before making a decision at retirement, secure a personalised pension annuities quote offering guaranteed rates.

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