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Annuity Rates

Annuity Rates

Annuity Rates

  Employer pensions
Structure of schemes
  Types of defined benefit schemes, earnings and tax
Final salary transfer
  Benefits of transferring your defined benefit pension
Main schemes
  Occupational money purchase, public service and final salary
Specialist schemes
  Executive plans, AVCs, SSAS and other hybrid schemes
Benefits to members
  Social Security Act, enhancing benefits, continuous service
Operating the scheme
  Types of approval, role of the trustee, retirement age
Leaving service
  What to do with benefits, indexing and pension transfers
Free final salary review
  Ask for your free final salary pension transfer review
Pension quotes
  Quotes from the top providers for annuities and pensions
Annuity Rates
  55 £6,085  
  60 £6,439  
  65 £7,130  
  70 £8,083  
  55 £5,796  
  60 £6,163  
  65 £6,741  
  70 £7,517  
£100,000 purchase, level and standard rates
Latest Rates
Annuity Quotes
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