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Annuity Rates

Annuity Rates

Annuity Rates

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  Your choice of categories are:
Pension Law
  Protecting early leavers, Pensions Act 1995 and more
Pension quotes
  Quotes from the top providers for annuities and pensions
FSMA 2000
  FSA powers, mainstream financial and regulated activity
Financial Services Law
  Systems review, original approach and intermediaries
Pensions Bill 2004
  Member protection, delaying state pension and more
Other relevant law
  Trustee, data and policyholder protection acts and more
Regulatory bodies
  Pension and financial bodies, FSA and the Ombudsman
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Annuity Rates
  55 £6,085  
  60 £6,439  
  65 £7,130  
  70 £8,083  
  55 £5,796  
  60 £6,163  
  65 £6,741  
  70 £7,517  
£100,000 purchase, level and standard rates
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