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Annuities News - March 2013
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Monthly reviews:
Annuity Rates March 2013 Annuity Rates - March 2013
31 March 2013: See how annuity rates changed for the month and the likely future direction with reference to gilt yields and other financial factors
Gilt Yields March 2013 Gilt Yields - March 2013
31 March 2013: Find out more about the change in gilt yields during the month with economic and political factors influencing direction and impact on annuities
News for the month:
Capped drawdown rules allow 20% more income Capped drawdown rules allow 20% more income for people retiring
26 March 2013: Changes to capped drawdown rules will allow people retiring to receive a new maximum income
Pension annuities risk from Cyprus bailout deal Pension annuities risk with gilt yields fall as Cyprus reject bailout deal
19 March 2013: Bailout deal for Cyprus results in a 15 basis point fall in UK gilt yields and risk to pension annuities
Best annuity rates higher from Legal & General Best annuity rates higher by 1.0% from Legal & General
18 March 2013: Legal & General has increased their best annuity rates by up to 1.0% as gilt yields reduce
Retirement annuity income up with FTSE-100 index Retirement annuity income up as FTSE-100 index reaches a new high
11 March 2013: The FTSE-100 index closed at 6,504 will benefit people retiring with higher retirement annuity income
Buying annuities safer as gilt yields recover Buying annuities made safer as 15-year gilt yields recover
8 March 2013: 15-year gilt yields have recovered 20 basis points to 2.63% pressure off annuity rates
Annuity rates boost stimulus rejected Annuity rates boost as Bank of England rejects more stimulus
7 March 2013: Annuity rates prospects were given a boost as the Bank of England rejects the need for more QE
UK annuity income higher with service sector UK annuity income higher as service sector and markets improve
5 March 2013: Service sector growth and equity markets new high means increases UK annuity income
Highest annuity income could fall Highest annuity income could fall with poor data for manufacturing
1 March 2013: UK manufacturing data shows a contraction could threaten equity markets and lower income from annuities
Enhanced annuities decrease as yields fall Enhanced annuities providers decrease rates by 1.2% as gilt yields fall
1 March 2013: Gilt yields fall 33 basis in the last week with enhanced annuity providers now reacted with decreases
Open market option new ABI code Open market option new code by ABI to explain pension annuities
1 March 2013 : ABI to give people retiring more information about the open market option with their provider pack
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Annuity Rates
  Age Single Joint  
  55 £6,132 £5,784  
  60 £6,532 £6,234  
  65 £7,247 £6,808  
  70 £8,170 £7,616  
£100,000 purchase, level rates, standard
Unisex rates and joint life basis
  Annuity Rates  
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